Yingdi Yan
Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland
Yingdi Yan obtained her master degree in Zhejiang University in China and her research topic is “The micro-nano structure design of novel superhydrophobic coatings and their anti-icing& icephobic properties”. Now she is conducting her PhD study at department of physical chemistry- interfacial phenomena, faculty of chemistry, Maria Curie Sklodowska University with the support of CoWet (Complex Wetting) project from Marie Curie Initial Training Network (Project number 607861). The subject is “Wetting and electro-kinetic properties of solid supported lipid layers”. Three topics are involved: 1. DPPC mono-/bi- layer deposited on Ti-6Al-4V via spreading and LB/LS method and investigation on their wettability and biostability, 2. DPPC liposome adsorption on hydroxylappatite, and the electrokinetic properties and wettability of DPPC layers in the presence of enzymes. 3. Cell membrane mimic phospholipid polymer brush preparation and its anti-fouling property.