Marcio Dias Lima
Nano-Science and Technology Center, USA
Marcio Dias Lima is currently Chief Application Scientist at the Nano-Science and Technology Center, part of Lintec of America. Previously he worked as Research Scientist at Prof. Ray Baughman’s group at the Alan G MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute. He obtained his Dipl.-Ing. Degree in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande does Sul (Brazil) in 2001. At the beginning of 2005 to 2007 he became a member of Dr Roth research group at the Max Plank Institute of Solid State Research in Germany as visiting PhD candidate. Research interests include artificial muscles, synthesis of carbon nanotubes, development of hybrid carbon nanotubes yarns and sheets for energy conversion and storage, high strength composites and nanostructured transparent and conductive films. He has 50 refereed publications (4385 citations, H-index 31) and 6 issued patents.
Abstract : Twisted polymeric fiber based actuators